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647-554 7577

"Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you.'
Matthew 7:8

Don't be afraid to ask for a helping hand

Some people are afraid to ask for help because they grew up being rather self-sufficient. Their caretakers were not readily available to them. So now as an adult they think that they should not have any needs or wants but only look after others. This is wrong. Everyone has needs and wants and could use some help from time to time. It is actually true that it is better to give than to receive so when a person refuses to let someone else give to them they are depriving them of a blessing. So to overcome this tendency to never ask for help you must become aware of why you are like that and how it is good to have healthy interdependence in a relationship to build love and trust between people. It is okay to admit you need help.

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